Joining the Oxford Ornithological Society

A downloadable version of the OOS membership form (in PDF format) is available from the Downloads Page.

Membership information.

The categories of membership and annual membership fees are:


The membership year runs from 1st October, when annual fees are due, to 30th September. Members joining between the Annual General Meeting (usually held in May) and 1st October in any year shall pay the fee for the following membership year, as may be approved at the AGM, but shall not be required to pay a further fee for that following membership year.

To join the OOS complete the membership form and send, with the appropriate fee, to the Membership Secretary

All members are urged to subscribe under the Gift Aid scheme which gives significant benefit to the Society at no cost to the member. Some information about Gift Aid is given below and if you wish the Society to benefit in this way please complete the declaration form overleaf and send it with your membership application form.

Red Knot
Red Knot
© Adam Hartley

Gift Aid - your questions answered

How does the Gift Aid scheme work?
If you pay UK income tax or capital gains tax, the OOS can reclaim the tax you have already paid on your subscription or any donation you make.

How much tax do I need to pay to qualify?
You need to pay an amount of UK income or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that will be reclaimed by the OOS. Currently, this amounts to 28 pence in the pound. So if you give, say, £10, you need to pay at least £2.82 in tax in that year to qualify.

If I pay income tax at the higher rate, will this affect my support?
Supporting us through Gift Aid will benefit the OOS and you. This is because the OOS claims back the tax you have paid at the basic rate, and you can reclaim the difference between higher rate and basic rate income tax yourself using your income tax return at the end of the tax year.

I already give through a Deed of Covenant, so why should I fill in the declaration?
Your existing Deed of Covenant will not be affected by the Gift Aid scheme, but if you complete the declaration, the OOS will be able to reclaim the tax you pay on all other donations not covered under your existing covenant, so your Gift Aid declaration is still important to us.

What if I want to cancel the arrangement?
You can cancel this arrangement at any time you choose, simply by telling the OOS Treasurer that you wish to do so. You are not committing yourself to make any future gifts by signing the form.

What if I move house - do I need to tell you?
You need to notify us if you change your name or address, or if you cease to be a UK taxpayer.

I give tax-efficiently to the OOS through my account with the Charities Aid Foundation - should I continue to do this?
It would be better for us if you gave your support through Gift Aid, as this will reduce the amount of administration required by the OOS, and make your support even more valuable.

What do I need to do to make my contributions through Gift Aid?
To make your contributions through Gift Aid, all you need to do is fill in and return the simple declaration provided.